Dear Sir and Brother,
We would like to inform the brethren of your lodge about the launch of a major new internet based, Masonic research resource, hosted by The University of Bradford.
Called ‘The Web of Hiram’ the website will become live on the 1st of May 2003, coinciding with the launch of our new book; ‘The Book of Hiram’. Unlike Masonic websites provided by some other universities, all of the material, which has been collected whilst researching this new book, is entirely free for anyone to use.
The website contains a vast amount of old Masonic ritual assembled in the course of investigating the origins of our order. It is bound to be of great interest to anyone who is conducting their own research into Freemasonry and to every brother who might wish to better understand the background to modern ritual.
Putting together such a large amount of ancient ritual has revealed that there is a great story being told across the span of many degrees. We have placed this material into chronological order to create a document we call ‘The Masonic Testament’. It is reproduced as an appendix to our new book.
The Masonic Testament corresponds very closely to the Bible but it contains many more details that are not recorded in the Old or New Testaments. Much of this extra information about the distant past in the Holy Land has been checked against other ancient documents and recent archaeological discoveries.
You can easily find the Web of Hiram by visiting our website at:
From there you will be linked to the University site, which you can then bookmark for future direct access. We hope our brethren will find this aid to a daily advancement of Masonic knowledge useful.
We have spent the last seventeen years investigating the origins of Freemasonry and we hope that this website will be of assistance to others who share our passion.
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
Bro. Christopher Knight |
Bro. Dr. Robert Lomas |